Click here to register for First Whitewright Awana 2023-2024!


AWANA stands for
“Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”
(2 Timothy 2:15)

Our goal is to provide the solid foundation children need to grow and become adults who know, love, and serve the Lord.

Kids are encouraged to be confident in who they are for Christ, are taught how to study His Word, and are shown practical ways to apply it in daily situations at school or home.

We offer classes for Pre-K through 6th Grade - each designed to minister to your child’s developmental and spiritual needs.

Awana begins August and runs through May.

Cost: $30.00/annually* (covers uniform, handbook, awards & special events throughout the year)

Please do not let finances stand in the way of your child participating. If there is a financial need, please let your child’s Awana leader or Awana Commander know and we will work with you so your child may continue to participate in our Awana ministry.